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Your BookBub Featured Deal

If your book is selected for a Featured Deal, you should work directly with your retailers and distributors to discount your book. It is your responsibility to make sure the deal price is available by 12:00am Pacific Time on the morning of your BookBub feature. You can find some additional tips and reminders to ensure that everything runs smoothly here, and you can reach out to your account representative with any additional questions!

Each BookBub Featured Deal is emailed to our subscribers one time, on the date you’ve confirmed on the Partner Dashboard. When you confirm the date of your Featured Deal, you’ll select a deal end date, which will determine how long your deal will remain available on our website.

Promotion lengths for Featured Deals vary, and often depend on an author’s specific goals for the promotion. The biggest boost in sales and downloads from BookBub subscribers usually occurs within the first 24-48 hours after the email is sent, and they typically trail off about four days later.

You can find out more about different promotion length strategies here.

How do I discount my book on retailers?

For information about how to discount your book, please take a look at these articles:

Can I review the blurb copy in advance?

We do not currently send blurb copy before the Featured Deal goes out. Our editors base our blurbs on extensive data around what will hook our readers in each category, so your book is in good hands. However, if you’d like us to pass along any suggestions to the editorial team for the blurb, we’d be happy to do so. We can’t guarantee they’ll include your suggestions, but they can certainly review your request.

When is payment due?

Payment is due five days after you confirm the details of your Featured Deal. If your invoice remains unpaid at that point, we’ll unfortunately have to cancel your feature, so please ensure your invoice is taken care of as soon as possible!

What are BookBub’s terms and conditions?

You can view our terms and conditions for running a Featured Deal here.

Updated on June 22, 2023
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