Will I ever pay more than my budget? No. BookBub Ads automatically turns off your campaign when you hit your budget. If you’re running a continuous campaign with...
Will I always pay my full bid price? No. In fact, you will often pay far less than your bid price. Your bid is the maximum that you...
What size ad can I run? 300×250 pixels. You can create an ad by selecting Build New Creative in the ad form, then filling out the...
For a CPM ad, if a reader sees my ad more than once, how many impressions am I charged for? If you win an impression in a reader’s Monday deals email, for example, your ad will appear every time that...
Do BookBub Ads campaigns impact BookBub Featured Deal selection? BookBub Ads and Featured Deals are completely separate — anyone interested in reaching BookBub readers can create a BookBub Ads...