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  3. For a CPM ad, if a reader sees my ad more than once, how many impressions am I charged for?

For a CPM ad, if a reader sees my ad more than once, how many impressions am I charged for?

If you win an impression in a reader’s Monday deals email, for example, your ad will appear every time that same reader opens that particular email again for the next few days. However, you will only be charged for the first impression from that reader, and not any repeat impressions of that reader’s Monday email. If that reader opens the same email again after a few days have passed, we will once again run the auction for that impression.

Note that if the same reader opens a different email on a later date and your ad wins that impression, you will be charged for the new impression in a new email. However, we limit each ad to be shown to each reader no more than once every 3 days.

Updated on October 1, 2020
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